It’s our goal to begin trading your account as soon as possible. However, unless we are instructed otherwise, we generally refrain from trading securities in your account until you transfer or deposit into your account at least 95% of the amount that you initially indicated you would contribute to your Personal Portfolio when you filled out your profile or spoke to a planner on our team. This delay in trading is intended to minimize the transaction and tax costs associated with configuring a your Personal Portfolio account to our model portfolios.
If you transfer in substantially more than the anticipated balance, there may be a hold placed on your account to confirm you meant to transfer those funds in, or there may be additional strategies available at a higher funding level. Usually, your account will be trading within two business days of being fully funded. Upon receiving the required percentage of the anticipated funding amount (and assuming that the account has been properly configured for trading at Interactive Brokers), we will generally begin placing trades for your account within five (5) business days.